gaze from Evadno as sho spoke.

Evadno, suddenly aware of her deshabille, the filmy lace of her slip that revealed more than it concealed, felt the blood rush to her face. Her hands instinctively flew to her throat in an embarrassed gosturo.

"Why don't I wait outside for you and we'll go have a spot of refreshment. Or do you have time?" Van asked. "It'G 5:15. All the stores close at 5:30."


"All right. I hereby accept your kind invitation." managed to smile. "I want to purchase this blue dress first, though."

Van left and Evadne hurriedly put on her street clothes, thanking providence she had worn one of her most becoming dresses. Quickly, she ran a comb through her hair and put on fresh lipstick.

Van waited while Evadne bought the dress, and then fell into step beside her as she turned to leave the store. "Any particular place you care to go for a pick-me-up?"

Evadno thought a moment. "No-o, I can't think of one.

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"There's a little place over on Marsden Court, not far from here, called Tho Embers. can talk without having to shout okay to you?"


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Evadne nodded in agreement. Van's hair as they walked along, reminding Evadne of windy days she'd spent at Van's home in Edon Height 5. There was something eternally yourthful about Van, despite the fact that she was no longer young. It pleased It pleased Evadne to see that Van kept pace with her easily. Evadne was not a slow walker. Presently, they entered the warm, smoky atmosphere of the bar. The older woman guided Evadno to a little table at the rear of the room.

"What will you have my dear?"

"A Manhattan," replied Evadne.